What The Heck Is FM?

There are a number of different assignments for senior missionaries in Nauvoo.  There are FM (Facility Management) missionaries like us.  We maintain the historic part of town.  Everything from painting - which is what Sherry has been assigned to do - to carpentry to plumbing to bricklaying to electricians to conservation, etc., etc.  When a certain Elder does not fit into any of those categories apparently they make him a Handyman.  That is Chuck's assignment.  As many of you know I like "to-do" lists.  I really like to get my to-do list done.  It kinda drives me crazy when my list isn't completed everyday.  I stress out.  Some of you may have experienced that.  FM missionaries wear cool FM clothes as the picture indicates.

The Nauvoo Handyman to-do list will never get done.  It is infinite. This could be a problem.

The other kind of senior missionary assignment is called site missionary.  These are the couples who work in the various historical sites giving tours or demonstration...like brick making or rope making or bread baking or pioneer games.  Stuff like that.  These missionaries wear pioneer attire.  We have a set of pioneer clothes which I'll post a picture of when we put them on.  That's what we sing and dance in.  There are senior missionaries who spend their missions sewing costumes.  Sister Childers has been fitted for a pioneer dress custom tailored.  She has had three fittings so far.  The dress should be done next week.

The final senior missionary assignment is temple missionary.  These are senior couples who work in the Nauvoo Temple.

FM and Site missionaries are part of the Nauvoo Mission.  Temple missionaries are part of a different mission.  While we all work and live in close proximity we lead separate lives and don't interact on a day to day basis.   
